Tag Archive | BBC

My Response to BBC’s World Have Your Say in regards to the UK Government voting “no” to military action in Syria

Browsing facebook this morning and I saw that the BBC World Service’s “World Have Your Say”, was looking for people to upload their video responses to the recent vote by Parliament about going to war in Syria. Thankfully, the governments war motion was defeated – by just 13 votes.

So here is a transcript of my video response, which they will unlikely use:

Hi BBC, It’s The Ascensionist here from the Western most part of the UK. And this is my response to the UK Parliament voting “No” on a military intervention in Syria.

I doubt you’ll use this video after hearing what I have to say and to give my opinions on the situation in Syria and the recent vote by Parliament not to take military action in Syria – yet.

So in the unlikely event that you show this video, I’ll be uploading this response to a few popular video sharing websites.

Let me start off by saying that I think it’s great news that the government has voted no to taking military in action in Syria based on fictional propaganda. But don’t be fooled into thinking that that’s the end of it. It’s not.

David Cameron and many other politicians seem to be hell-bent on taking military action in Syria. Even the war-criminal Tony B-LIAR, Sorry… *COUGH* Blair is calling for military action.

And it’s not just our politicians either. International leaders and defence ministers are applying pressure on all Western nations and trying to convince the people to take part in military action. Not surprisingly, the US government seem rather keen to lead and execute a military operation in Syria, along with the French Presidency and even the European Union.

All these countries seem to be rather keen on military intervention despite no credible evidence of chemical weapons having been used by Assad’s forces at all.

However, there is compelling evidence to say that the Muslim Brotherhood-backed, Free Syrian Army have used chemical weapons, disturbingly, not upon Assad’s forces but civilians, and have then attempted to pin the blame on the so called, “Assad Regime”. A worn-out term used heavily by the BBC.

But where are our politicians to condemn the rebels? Why aren’t they coming out and condemning the rebels? Well it doesn’t take a genius to see it. Our western governments are backing the rebels. Heck, they’re even equipping and funding the self proclaimed ‘Free Syrian Army’ and supplying them with – wait for it – chemical weapons.

And if you don’t believe me, search for it using good search engines. There are videos all over the internet showing Syrian rebels talking about and using Chemical weapons. There’s a leaked email from Britam Defence Ltd saying that they have an offer, which is approved by Washington, to deliver a “G-Shell”, which is a gas-shell, to the rebels in Syria. And that the gas shell resembles Soviet Era shells.

The email even goes on to say that they are needing “actors” with “Slavic” features to speak and dress as uniformed Russian soldiers and pretend to be captured by the rebels and claim they were inserted into Syria by Russian Warships.

A news report from an unbiased Station originally broadcast on or before the 16th of June, showed a testimony from a United Nations panel that rebel groups – not the Assad regime – was responsible for the use of chemical weapons. In general, Sarin Nerve gas.

And there is so much more I could go on to say. But I’ll try to keep this as short as possible.

But in basic, I think it’s great news that the UK government, for now, has decided not to take part in any military intervention, and It’s heart warming to see that a majority of Britons are aware that going to war in Syria would be illegal and unjust.

There is simply no evidence, from a credible source at least, that the Assad Regime have used chemical weapons. There is ample evidence to show us that the rebels have used chemical weapons, and even incendiary weapons. And one has to question, just where is this terrorist group getting such weapons from? Upon further investigation, there are numerous sources that show that the US government has funded and supplied the Syrian rebels.

Many more people are aware that there’s more going on in Syria than what we’re being led to believe by our governments and mainstream media sources. And I urge people to start thinking for themselves and to investigate this for themselves. And I’m sure you will be shocked to learn what is actually happening in regards to the situation in Syria.

So that’s pretty much what I’ve got to say on the Syrian situation. Now, let’s see if you’ll use this.

Solar Storm headed towards earth

A few days ago I was alerted to the possibility of a large solar storm striking the earth within days.

This is the video that explains what is currently going on. Watch further videos to see how current unusual weather and quakes are linked to the activity on the Sun.

It’s now cause for concern as the mainstream media are now reporting on this solar storm, claiming that we will only have 30 minutes warning before it hits. They aren’t saying this is a doomsday event, but warning that this one has potential to knock out power grids across the nation. Though they are careful to say that it could happen in the near future. If that’s not enough, the UK Government has been called upon to “prepare” for such an event.



Should we panic now? No. Not yet. But it is important to note that people such as Alex Jones, VonHelton and other truthers have been warning about this for years now. More specifically, in the year 2013. The solar cycle that we are going through now is to peak this year. Some predicting an extinction level event known as the ‘Kill Shot”. Sound farfetched? Yea, it does. But far-fetched or not, this is widely agreed by the scientific community to have happened on several occasions before in the past.

The Maya Calendar also tracks the solar cycle, which back up their myths and legends about this event, along with many indigenous tribes across the earth. One of the calendars (I think) predicts massive solar activity between 2013-2016. Don’t hold me to that, I would have to dig back into some old books to reread.

There isn’t much I can say on this right now as I am posting this as a brief message out there. However, I will try to bring to you a podcast regarding this, replacing “Origins of Mankind: an Alternative human history” as Episode 3, in the next 48 hours.

The storm is expected to hit by late Friday night or early Saturday morning. If I get any more information, I will update this entry.

However, let me stress, there is no cause for concern. Back in the 1800’s we had a super solar storm which brought a mini ice age and the Northern and Southern lights could be seen globally. So prepare, perhaps, to see the greatest show on earth, which some say happens once every 200 years.

Namaste 😀


It can be very difficult to live in a world where so many people and creatures place a high importance on the self. It brings greed, anger, envy and many other negative aspects to life. While some of us may have manifested here to experience these in life and to experience a 3rd dimensional existence, it doesn’t hurt to show compassion, love and tolerance to other forms of life.

I don’t believe there is good and evil. Rather, I think there is just a stance of morality, which varies between different locations and cultures. I do recognize however, there are actions that can harm your spirit and add to or take from your karmatic debt. Extreme negative actions are termed as evil where as good actions are termed as righteous. But think about it. What makes something evil or good in your eyes? It is your sence of morality.

Some people have different views on morality. Few others seem to have next to none. But morality is important to have as it helps you distinguish the actions in which to take and which to avoid. The ones that you should take are the ones that benefit others. Reducing their suffering, increasing their happiness and sharing your unconditional love are great actions to take.

Earlier, I came across an article on the BBC News website. The article explains how a family’s 3-year-old Collie was set alight by people on Sunday morning 26/08/2012. The dog has survived the ordeal and the culprits are still at large. It’s very easy to class this as an act of evil. But rather, it is act of harm which carries negative consequences, not just for the culprits, but a much wider circle of people. Their sence of morality is probably non-existent or totally warped. The unfortunate thing is that as a result of this cruel and barbaric action people took, the dog is the one who has suffered the most. Maybe for the ‘entertainment’ of the culprits.

Second of all, the family to which the dog belongs. People seem to accept the idea that an animal can be owned. A dog is usually considered property. But if one looks deeper into this, a dog easily becomes part of the family. You show them love, you care for them, you hate to see them suffer and you feed and speak and play with them. I don’t believe that any form of can be owned. Life is life and each life form is just as valuable and as important as the next. If you own something then you objectify them. If you regard something as an object then you lessen its status in life. Doing that can can lead to the restriction of rights for the being and can lead to showing authority in cruel and harmful ways. This mindset can often lead to the abuse of another because of your sence of superior power of a lesser object. The family to which this dog belongs is currently in shock and hurting because the being of which they love has suffered a terrible ordeal at the hands of cruelty. One wonders did the cruelty arise because of the mindset that the animal is of a lesser status? This could be the case. It would give them the sence that they can do it because they can.

What I do know is that these people responsible have added considerably to their karmatic debt. I don’t know if it will be paid in their current lifetime. I don’t know how they will pay it. These people have destroyed a part of themselves, almost to the level of forfeiting their humanity, if they haven’t already.

For those of you who read this, I ask that you send your positive thoughts and love to this poor being and to its family. No form of life should suffer needlessly at the hands of others. Do not be angry at the culprits. They will get what’s coming to them. Rather, pity them that they lack the intelligence to the point where they have surrendered their humanity in order to find the need to make life suffer for their enjoyment. They have desensitized themselves from life and the human consciousness grid and will never know the joys of peace and compassion.

Peace and light be with you.

[Update] Upon further review of this incident, I have come across as Facebook page dedicated to the dog. It can be found by clicking here. The page does contain some graphic images of the injuries. But one must point out that some comments reflect hate upon the individuals who carried out this act of violence. Some also contain vengeful remarks. Hatred doesn’t contribute in any positive way. Show love to the dog and family. While it is important to show disapproval of the cruel actions of the thugs, it is just as important not to wish extreme harm on those who committed the crime.

The best way to deal with them is to give them plenty time to reflect on their actions and what pain and suffering it has caused. Lock them up until they are deemed safe. Be it 15, 20 or 30 years plus. Give them only the basics on which to life on. 3 normal portions of the same bland food each day with water. Doing this will not allow them to experience any worldly pleasures, thus allowing more concentration on reflecting and thinking of their actions. Do not allow luxuries or time for luxury. This would include removal of all forms of entertainment. Music, Television, Art. This would also allow more time to reflect on their actions. Each and everyday, the only contact with life they have is when they are being given food. Each time they receive food they are should be reminded of why they are in their current situation and the pain they have caused another form of life to suffer. After much thought and reflection over a number of years, they will finally come to the realisation that what they did was wrong and find true remorse and peace.

Namaste 🙂