Archive | February 2020

Has Spirituality become politicised?

In this renewed “culture war”, the propaganda battle seems to have gone into overdrive.

Examples of this include the UK, where the recent Brexit referendum to decide if the UK should continue to be subservient to the EU, or go it alone. It’s now been polarised as a left vs right thing as opposed to being about being self reliant and self-governing.

Human rights, diversity and inclusion and even “spirituality” have become heavily polarised too, some longer than others.

But in this brief post, I’m focusing on spirituality and sharing my dismay that such a pure, divine and personal topic has been poisoned from the over-spill of the toxic chalice that is identity politics.

Various blogs I’ve followed (and some Vlogs on YouTube) which are authored by “spiritual” people or of those whom touch on spiritual topics, now seem to have veered off the spirituality topic and smashed into becoming a very… far-left platform, in which I’ve witnessed the excrement of hatred poured upon those who don’t share the same opinion as they.

THIS IS NOT WHAT SPIRITUALITY IS! Spirituality encompasses tolerance, love, respect, patience and above all, PEACE towards all forms of sentient life. It’s about self-improvement, progression of the soul and resilience against heavy, negative energies. And this is something I’m no longer seeing from what seems to be an overwhelming majority of “spiritual” people.

Those who claim to be challenging those who are calling the shots and are out of touch from the rest of society are themselves falling into the very thing they claim to be fighting.

In this world now, in particular the West, there is a breakdown of social cohesion and tolerance… especially among those who claim to be artists, awakened souls, intellectuals and spiritual persons. Lying to yourself, in my humble opinion, equates to a cardinal sin, albeit in spiritual terms.

They claim to fight hatred where they encounter it. But with what? More hate? Violence? It just goes against everything spirituality is about.

Is it an organised assault by TPTB to breakdown and eliminate spiritual people? An assault on those who crave a truly sovereign, independent mind. Upon those who seek to think freely, observe and seek the truth and come to their own conclusions?

It certainly looks that way. An oppressive political ideology that expects its subjects to tow the line, seems to have an influence upon what is regarded as mainstream spirituality, with those adhering to it seemingly reflecting the suffocating dogma of Marxism, facism and totalitarianism.

I do despair the path that humanity is being led down. But it’s never too late for those who were once awake and since fallen back asleep, without realising it, to wake back up again and see that they’re being led down a dark path again, as uncomfortable as that realisation maybe.

The Regeneration

Hello again!

It’s been so, so long since I’ve posted here. To be honest, it’s been that long that I forgot that I even had this.

It just so happens that I was brought here by making a search query on a search engine and this blog appeared in the returned results.

As I read through the archives, I remembered how much I loved how therapeutic it was writing this blog, documenting my journey of self-discovery, the search for truth and pursuit of knowledge.

Years has this blog been abandoned. And even still, it appears that there have been a steady flow of people reading through the archives over the years.


Where have I been?

A good question, which merits explanation, of course.

It’s been a solid 7 years since my last post here. Why did I appear to abandon the blog? What have I been doing?

Since my last post, I had changed job paths to pursue a career in something I had felt a strong calling to, for reasons I can’t explain. But it is something I had needed and still need to get out of my system and figure out the purpose of my time there.

It’s been almost 6 full years of a very busy, chaotic lifestyle and to be honest, I’ve had to side line stuff like this blog due to the high tempo of the job and eventually it all fell into obscurity and the memory of such began to dissipate and become secluded in a dimmed corner at the back of the grey matter cupboard.

I’ve been living a different way of life as a result, but have remained spiritual and my interests in such things haven’t gone away.

Since being away, much of the world has changed…

During my 7 year absence, I’ve become an observer. Or so it seems to me.

I have witnessed the psyche of the world change, seemingly almost over night.

What I had foreseen years pervious, which was a change of perception and a great awakening, had in reality become a great nightmare and a groggy slumber.

Like history before, insanity and a culture war manifests today, which has always heralded the implosion of once great and influential societies.

Today, society as we know it, primarily Western civilisation, looks set to collapse and as an observer, it seems apparent that it’s being orchestrated by an unseen hand.

As infamous truther and conspiracy theorist, David Icke, suggests, when something suddenly appears from nowhere and is then everywhere, it’s the agenda. And I believe no truer words have been said as of late.

What was the original “Truth Movement”, appears now to be a bastion of of nefarious communistic communities. The Truth Movement then was a beacon for truth and justice. A platform for those who sought fairness and freedom from tyrannical organisations, governments and policies. Only now, to have been hijacked by unwitting “woke” agents of that unseen hand and used to promote ideals that would enslave all those who support and endorse it.

“The biggest threat to this enormous agenda is the unity of people whom are independent of thought.”

That same unseen hand is playing a role in endorsing self-confusion and persecuting those who are confident in life whom wish to think freely and independently. A crime more-so now than has been in recent years to claim a sovereign mind.

The Truth Movement just a decade ago from now, wished to reject labels of people and their beliefs, only to be now endorsing them, en-bulk and in doubled efforts.

The biggest threat to this enormous agenda is the unity of people whom are independent of thought. The policy of the driving force behind the agenda is the division of people of a hive mind nature. A society of obedient, subservient drones.

From my last post here, there have been a many great changes in the world in which we live. The terms have changed, tactics have seen many a plot twists and new battle lines have been drawn. However the war on your mind has remained the same.

And now, as this ancient souls roll here in this realm on Mother Earth seems to have changed to become an observer, I feel it’s a new mission for me here. While it may be to observe and inform, I know my role here needs refinement.

What I do know is I’ve been brought back to this blog by destiny. My impulse to write again has flared. The angle of which has naturally and gradually changed.

My presence requested (or required) here once more? Now regenerated an observer, whose role I’m to explore.

Namaste _/\_